Thanks for your answer. My immediate thought was “there is no place like home”. Certainly home fulfills some of those criteria if not the more “global” ones. Px ❤️

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That’s a lot of big “ifs.” If there is such a place please let me know. JB

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If I ever feel safe enough pandemic-wise, I want to visit Armenia because I'm Armenian. It's a place torn apart by constant attacks by Azerbaijan and always facing the threat of another genocide, but it is ancient and my ancestral homeland.

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Great answer, Allison! I feel the same way.

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What a beautiful answer. Love you you all

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There is such a place. It's called Heaven.

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PS: The mere thought of JH at a Water Park all day today truly made me smile inside and sometimes outwardly all day today. JB

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Heaven so I could sit with my people.

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