yes you do do great work as a human being and & artist Allison

I appreciate your work

Very interesting question indeed

I would vote for you though 😉

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Love it. "The lowest form of showbizness". Ha. Perhaps common thought it your line of work, but I thought it packed and creative!

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Fun question & great reply. Thanks! What Gay Harris said!!

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“I know my skill set ... I’d rather make a big difference for a few people than a small difference for a lot.”

I support this! ✌🏼💗

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It's kinda difficult to run on that kind of platform but it would be great. Wish we could instill critical thinking in more citizens :)

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I am actually surprised that you chose my question which frankly was more of a snarky statement about the urban "planning" insanity that I witnessed in recent visits to Music City. It would seem that blindfolded dart throwing was the method used to determine which parts of the city should be rendered unrecognizable first or all at one time. I chose YOU as the perfect person to lead the civic "braintrust" out of the wilderness because of your thoughtfulness. Your sense of style. Your spirituality and well a little bit of naked favoritism because doggone it I just like you. And even if you struggled, you could only improve the result.

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Great question Kenny and also a great reply

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Great question Kenny and I wonder if Allison would ever consider running for office IMHO it sounds like a good plan and a great idea

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Having been involved in the political process for over 40 years in both the Democrat Party and Republican party, I can honestly say I've never personally met a person who ran for office because of their altruistic desire to genuinely make a difference or benefit humankind. Albeit, even if they start out idealistic, their "power" may ultimately result in corruption.

Surely, I'm very much a cynic, or at best a critic. However, most politicians I've known from Presidents down to governors, mayors and local political "officers" are driven by ego, money and their own sense of control over others.

"Never climb

so high

that you can't survive

the fall."

As a retired President of a Board of Directors who was elected and re-elected for over 10 years, each time by acclimation, I have a bit of experience with a position of leadership. Curiously, I didn't run for President. As a member of the Board, I was asked to leave the room at one of our meetings, and when I was summoned to return, I had been elected President.

I also commanded Marines in Vietnam and other critical zones without asking for a position of leadership. I felt no ego, nor "power," because I have always believed in the synergistic power of the people. My purpose is to discus issues, give advice based on knowledge and experience, and help those in need to solve problems.

Allison, your wise and humble answer to such an interesting question tells me everything anyone needs to know about who you really are deep inside. I interpret your words: "I’d rather make a big difference for a few people than a small difference for a lot," to mean you would rather set an example in life, speech, faith, and love than to seek "power" over anyone.

"Rulers" don't get their "power" from God. They get their power from The People. And the people get their power from God. You would break the mold of most politicians, and actually be of great service to humankind, because you are honest and humble enough to know what your gifts, skills and knowledge are. God Bless You, dear heart. _ MRVERITAS.SUBSTACK.COM

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This was a very insightful answer. I greatly admire your ability to express yourself with pen and paper. You are where you are meant to be, it seems. Certainly, for my sake 😘

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So I guess, at least for now I'm not banished from tribe. That's cool because I love you and the tribe

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