Dear Allison,
Would you ever consider running for mayor of Nashville? I will just say this: after just returning from Music City, it is apparent that Nashville would greatly benefit from your sense of style, your compassion, your intellect, your beauty (to let the urban developers see what true beauty looks like).
Dear Kenny,
I appreciate your faith in my abilities to govern. I agree that bringing some style, creativity, and forward and inclusive thinking to the process of urban planning is a great idea, but I can’t imagine having to deal with the bureaucracy that comes with trying to get something done with tax money. I have never been attracted to politics and consider it the lowest form of showbizness.
I will also say that I tend to do my best work as a human being and as an artist when I concentrate on the finer details. I see them better than the larger picture, and being able to see the larger picture is something I think is important when it comes to making big decisions about people’s lives. My inability to zoom out is something I’m working on improving, but I know my skill set and it is here, at this work table, that it is best used right now. I’d rather make a big difference for a few people than a small difference for a lot.
Thank you for an interesting question.
Y’all have a wonderful weekend.
I am actually surprised that you chose my question which frankly was more of a snarky statement about the urban "planning" insanity that I witnessed in recent visits to Music City. It would seem that blindfolded dart throwing was the method used to determine which parts of the city should be rendered unrecognizable first or all at one time. I chose YOU as the perfect person to lead the civic "braintrust" out of the wilderness because of your thoughtfulness. Your sense of style. Your spirituality and well a little bit of naked favoritism because doggone it I just like you. And even if you struggled, you could only improve the result.
Fun question & great reply. Thanks! What Gay Harris said!!