t-shirt? sure, but I'd love socks and coffee mug first!

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Absolutely an Auto tech t-shirt and of course love the fact that new music is In ofthe works and of course your writing and artwork blew me away

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Be gentle with yourself. It's a normal process to have major realizations and shifts at the five-O mark. Ask me how I know, lol. Big thumbs up on EMDR. While I hate to use the term, I am a trauma survivor and it messed up my singing at one point. I used EMDR to get it back and it was 100% successful. You need a good practitioner for sure and as I'm sure you know, they are not all the same. So I hope you've stumbled on a really good one but if you feel like you're not getting anywhere, don't hesitate to look for another. It was life changing for me. I hope. it will be the same for you!

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The bit about being in your head - I'm revising a flash piece called "Help! I'm Trapped In My Brain!" The metaphor isn't subtle, and I think that's a good thing.

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Oh, and I'd buy a t-shirt. Especially if it had your beautiful artwork on it!

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If your Substack is considered a club, it’s one I’ve always wanted to join! I would love a new shirt, since you have so many creative ideas these days. What does “other worlds five” signify?

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I think a lot about trying to be authentic or perhaps true to myself and consistent towards other people. We all play certain roles to a lesser or greater extent. One of the biggest things which has hit me since retiring from business is that I don’t have to play that particular role anymore. However, it was such a big part of life that I feel lost at times. I’ve always sought to journey towards a certain oneness within myself. I don’t know if that’s possible or not.

A T-Shirt would be great but I also love the mug idea.

Thank you Allison,


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Yes, to the t-shirt! And godspeed as you (as we all!) travel “on the road to find out.” 💙

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Hi Allison

It’s a club I’d like to join too 🌸

A t-shirt would be great! Would wear it proudly!

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Congrats on doing EMDR. It helped me tremendously and my last session was a real mental trip. I walked into the therapists office after driving 30 miles thru a hard rain listening to some depressing music, just feeling bummed. I did a 10 minute meditation in the office while I waited which I think may have been key to the result that day, but I walked out of the office after the session into a sunny day, the strong after smell of rain in the air, and I was smiling and I'm not a smiley guy. Drove home with top down on my bug blasting some vintage reggae. Of course your results may vary.

What I found to be key over the ten or so sessions I did was comfort. I look at EMDR as a deep waking day dream so Allison I recommend you get as comfortable as you would for a nap. For me that meant shoes off, cross legged on the couch, and a blanket. We started out doing the eye movement thing but I couldn't connect with it, so we switched to hand buzzers which I found distracting, so we switched to the therapist alternately tapping my knees and that did the trick. So if you need to show up at the office in your jammies to get a relaxed comfortable vibe, or light a candle, or do a meditation, or whatever else it may take to get into that dream state then do it.

It's your hour for you and nothing is more important.

There's a good EMDR group on Reddit, and for those wanting more info on EMDR I recommend the therapist Katie Morton on YouTube. Peace and I wish you success. Like anything you won't be a champ at it the first time so just relax, be open, and enjoy the process :0)

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I have often wondered why I ended up as a middle class when it would have been just as easy for me to have ended up very poor. I know that’s such a strange thought but I really didn’t have much to do with how I started out in life, and my parents were certainly close to poor than middle class

But it has allowed me to see those less fortunate and understand it’s not always their fault.

You always write something that resonates with my life. Thank you

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Many blessings on your journey through why. You are always protected hence learn only when it is time to explore. Our bodies are very wise, don’t you think? Early in my dreams of today, I saw myself playing with a new born infant. We were having so much fun rolling in grass and laughing. Off to side was ?mother. Woke asking why. I was playing with my child self and aware my mother in her limited being could only watch. Very healing that my child within is safe and loved and happy. Amen

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You are going to make it. Allison, this time is your breakthrough. I pray for you every time you share your heart with us. Any merch would be great if it's helping you in anyway.

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I love you. I hope that you find peace and happiness. You have provided me and this group so much joy and happiness that it would be only fitting if your higher power kicked some peace and joy and love and happiness, up your way.

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I long struggled with a codependent mindset. It also took me turning 50 to let go of it. I'm 51 now and finally learning who I really am. Saying no to who or what isn't right for me is a lesson I am grasping. And saying yes to what works for me is another important lesson. EMDR may be what I need. I will look into it.

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T shirt yes. Your posts are very helpful. Sometimes the tinier we become the larger we become

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