Jun 16Liked by Allison Moorer

Hi Allison

Your father is a very handsome man. I think and Shelby favor each other, especially the eyes.

I remember reading about him in your book Blood. Struggles and disappointments he felt in the music industry, and how you’ve learned to have compassion & empathy for others from witnessing your dad’s life.

My dad wasn’t perfect either. I have surely missed mine this prior week. I haven’t been down a greeting card aisle in a good while. I’m conscious of that fact every time I pass by. Especially this Fathers Day for some reason.

Your post today was beautiful and gentle. I looked up each book that was included. I even checked to see if a couple are available in audiobooks and they are! I’ll learn and retain more if I can sit and listen. Maybe listen on my riverwalk I’ve just discovered.

There were lots of “eggs “ today. All so important. There are so many things I’d like to comment on, but I write too much. So I’ll just leave it at I’m grateful.

Nice to hear that you & JH enjoyed the going to the movies! It was one of two sentences in your post that had an exclamation!❗️ So I know it was a great thing to do together. 😊

And yes, we all have things we wish we didn’t. You’re right. A little self forgiveness is probably a good place to start.

Have a great week at work!


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Jun 17Liked by Allison Moorer

Love ... so many things in your list... thank you

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Jun 18Liked by Allison Moorer

A wonderful writer is having a book launch party Thursday, June 27 @collective615, in Nashville. Wish I was closer! I would love to support Claire Coenen. The title of the book The Beautiful Keeps Breathing.

I enjoy your writings and the way you go about living. Have a great summer with your son. 🌸💕🌸💕🌸

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Jun 18Liked by Allison Moorer

I always wonder about the other shoe!

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