I can relate to the difficulty of solo cooking. It's really hard to cook interesting meals for one. There's portions, and there's the reticence to put in the work just for me. I love cooking when I have someone to share with, though, and I'm pretty good at it. I'm trying to slim down now, anyway, so it's a pretty simple routine of salads and fish.

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I’m delighted to hear that you’re enjoying your work! Good for you!

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Your new job sounds so cool and enjoyable! Combining your writing skills with your country music roots is right up your alley. The article by Rachael Nixon hit home for me with the protective mechanism factor and the familiar narrative of the worst-case scenario. It's reassuring that it's not just me. I'll check out the song you recommended, but I'm currently hooked on Shelby's new song "Over and Over."

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I, too, am playing “Over and Over” over and over.

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Hi Allison

I am so moved by todays Sunday post. I’m sure it was written especially for me. I guess that’s what a tremendous writer does for the reader. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed the Toni Morrison interview. She has such a lovely speaking voice. Much like you. I’ve always been an auditory learner so it was easy to receive her words & most importantly understand the message. As I listened I could feel your thought processes of how you write. You share things that are always of interest to me. I like to think that way too, but of course I can’t express myself like you. curiosity. The gift of character development. Not like the Omnipotent style of writing some authors develop. Her word. Great description. I understood what she meant by it.

I heard your words in the podcast. I would be VERY appreciative if you might share other podcasts or things you listen to in the morning getting ready for work!

I bet just saying Getting Ready for Work makes you smile. It makes me smile for you because I can feel your happiness.

So many good things you shared today. So much I needed to hear.

Really I think today’s post is one of my all time favorites. I will save it. Spoke to me in so many ways.

I saw you liked the Mothership Weekend pictures. Extremely emotional. But grateful to have been there.

Thank you Allison. Can’t wait to hear more about work and your assignments. And your outfits look great. Classy. Clean. Great lines. ⭐️

I finally bought my rag&bone belt like Shelby has. I love it

Enjoy your Sunday. Have a good supper. Thank you again.


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‘Nothing wrong with James Hunter’s Carina. Absolutely not.

But dig out Down to Believing and fast forward to track 10:

“I scrubbed the varnish off the hardwood floor,

that cigarette burn by the bedroom well it ain’t there anymore”.

Tell me that’s not one of the finest metaphors ever consigned to CD.

A truly inspired piece of writing of which you should be duly proud.

You know a lot, but you really don’t know how good you are.

Down to Believing. Blood. Can the next one be even better?

Very kind regards


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I agree Alex. But we know.

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I love your Sunday lists. This week I'm especially loving that room of yours with the screen door. -and the white outfit! Hope you're having fun on your new job.

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Food: I’m a former Executive Chef in Hotels, Healthcare and educator. The best decision I made in 2024 was adding a nutritionist to my own care team.

Absorption, vitamins, minerals and hydration alone merit this, especially for emotional and mental health. Our brains need our gut to nourish itself. I learn more every virtual visit.

Yes, I cook well, yes my brain needs nutrition and care.

My sadness is around the unrepentant food manufacturers who want us to believe that 1M SKUs of natural foods are all best for us. My diet is now simplest ever, I eat what I want and am very, very grateful.

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RE: Trader Joe's. If you like spicy, seek out their version of chipotle almond dip (you can also find this at Costco, called "Bitchin' Almond Dip"). But TJ's is just as good and so I was glad to see it there if it means one less trip to the Big Box store. On eggs, veggies, meatballs, you name it. I am having it in just a few on an omelette. Addicting stuff.

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My husband and I were on the road Saturday morning heading home to the mountains. We turned on KPIG, Freedom, CA and heard this angel singing. It was you singing “Heal”. I know this song but I turned up the radio and listened intently again to each word and your rich and deeply moving vocals. I can’t imagine what it took to record this song but the path you’ve taken to heal is brave and honest. We get to follow your journey and celebrate in all that you seek, learn and share with us.

You are a beautiful soul.

p.s. love that you love your new job.

p.s.s. love your fashion sense.

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