I also have a late uncle David. He was a musician and a biker, big sci-fi fan, did a lot of drugs in the 70s and 80s, and hung out with Shawn Colvin in the 70s.

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Well, apparently uncle David was totally my kind of guy. Sounds like he lived well.

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This is a very cool post full of optimism, fans, and A/C. I've never seen those "squints" before, so you introduced me to something new today. Are you planning to get any of the animal or alien ones? I know June is a favorite month and it sounds like you're off to a great start. Plus, your birthday falls on a Friday, so you get to celebrate all weekend long!

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Hi Allison

I want to send you my condolences for losing you great Uncle . As you have described, I’m sure he lived a good life with loving family. As you once wrote, gravity comes for us all. I hope his spirit has a peaceful journey home.

Thank you for your post today. I feel a lot of thought when into it. Of course I took time to read all. Interesting how Taylor Swift was quoted about karma. I liked that. I enjoyed reading about finding one’s purpose vs setting goals. And especially liked the part about finding the middle ground. And how you even pulled up Dr Menninger was pretty amazing to me with your opening quote. I saw the Mindfulness Manner and will give it a shot finding it on Amazon. I enjoy everything that you share! The little eggs to find in your writing always keeps me excited.

I love the Squints!! I recognized those last week on your wall and admired them. Appreciate you sharing the artist & his company. Interesting how he sells them with shipping price included.

Whomever you’re supporting with attending the Al-anon meeting was touching to me. 💝

I like what you shared about the connection with your parents. Though neither of us has an earthly dad to celebrate this coming weekend, I know we will be talking to them in our own way.

I have to tell you, that car selfie picture is beautiful. Really. One of the nicest pictures of you. You & Shelby sure got your mommas good hair & good looks.

And lastly, the floating tent is so cool! What a great idea & im so glad JH loved it! His own special place/space.

Have a good week


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Love the teepee! Well done!

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Funny you should mention it, today (Monday) is João Gilberto's birthday. I had a million other thoughts that would comprise a post-length comment, but that will have to wait til after coffee.


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I love the names of your people. My great Granny was Annie Belle. She was born in 1904 and dipped snuff. Tuberose snuff to be exact. I once saw her shoot a squirrel out of a tree and fixed it for supper. She had running water but no toilet and this was in the 1970’s. She struggled financially but she never failed to have a Christmas present and birthday present.

Thank you for taking me back to that precious memory.

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Your posts are always packed with wisdom, enlightenment, knowledge and personality. Thank you.

Love that your family lived on the same road. My grandparents built houses in front of their home in Maryland for their 3 daughters. My family was my community for many years. Thank you for taking me back to those days.

I love J.H.’s teepee!!!! Magical.

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Always loving your Sunday lists, Allison. The floating teepee, your beautiful picture, stories and quote by Nate Berkus, all inspire me. Thanks for sharing about your Uncle, sorry for your loss. Loved reading about them on the old family street. Sending peace and love.

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