It is good to have a good investment portfolio moving forward but it is the most wondeous of gifts to be able to pull some magical, musical, wonderfullness out of your uh um crazy ass brain (speaking globally not personally) from time to time and especially on time at the right time. Thank God you were directed into the soft white underbelly where the magic occurs. Did I mention that I love you? Yep❤

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I love this, that you share these intimacies in your music process, which some of us experience on occasion. It's wonderful to hear. Also, the fact that I'm reading Ricki Lee Jones' memoir right now, just made me smile so big! And what a memoir it is... I'm so looking forward to the music and the book of yours.

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So much balanced beauty and incredible creativity on display here. You don’t have to explain the source, Allison. Your path is so incredible for all of us. Sheer beauty. It’s like “Old 55” that brings me to tears almost every time. So gifted. Please continue to share your voice.

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What a magical and totally Universal moment, Allison! This is exactly what makes a song stand out!

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I barely can't wait to hear i what's coming. Good luck and keep feeling it from your soul.

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You are as the Universe intended. Keep bringing your best self.

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I know just the feeling you are talking about...when you don't know what it is but you know you know somewhere deep inside.... a mental equivalent of a messy desk stacked high with seemingly random information and the perfect piece to the puzzle hidden in amongst there somewhere ... the joys of the mysterious musical filing systems of a creative brain!

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