Kenny and I were working in the studio a few days ago. I began to feel that feeling in the back of my neck — that’s where it rises — the feeling that there’s a sound, there’s a sound or texture that this needs ——— what is it, what is it, what is it?
I call it my mental art collection. Where all the references are. And from it, a few days ago, I pulled the sound I was looking for. Who would’ve thought that the cataloging of a guitar sound from a relatively obscure Rickie Lee Jones record from the mid 2000s would come in handy fifteen-some-odd years later when working on an EP of songs I’ve written with my son? My son, who was only a tiny, imaginary collection of blonde-haired, blue-eyed cells and sparks in a dream somewhere when I first heard that guitar sound?
The brain is fascinating. Why do we latch onto the things we do and not onto other things? Why didn’t I memorize some economic theory that would’ve helped me invest money rather than a guitar sound that does nothing but take up space in my grey matter? Why is it that I can store all of those references and nothing, I don’t know, more useful? I’ve asked myself this question a lot.
But as I found the sound I needed, and Kenny looked at me with wide eyes and said, “that’s it — that’s what it needs” I relaxed about it all a little and said to myself, “you know these things because they’re the things you need to know. And you know them because you have a proclivity for them and because of that, your path has been to use them. Relax, sister. You’re okay. These things hold value.”
I guess we know, or learn, the things we need to know to live the lives we choose. I wouldn’t hang out a shingle offering accounting services. But I can tell you what that weird sound is on the Portishead record you like ( a hammered dulcimer, most likely) or where “The Summer Day,” by Mary Oliver is in the collection, “Devotions,” (page 316).
For all my practicality, I am not a practical person. I like to think I am logical, but there’s a difference between the two. Whatever — we’re all magic in our own ways.
May we maintain the freedom to remain weird and specific.
I hope I do.
Sending love everywhere,
It is good to have a good investment portfolio moving forward but it is the most wondeous of gifts to be able to pull some magical, musical, wonderfullness out of your uh um crazy ass brain (speaking globally not personally) from time to time and especially on time at the right time. Thank God you were directed into the soft white underbelly where the magic occurs. Did I mention that I love you? Yep❤
So much balanced beauty and incredible creativity on display here. You don’t have to explain the source, Allison. Your path is so incredible for all of us. Sheer beauty. It’s like “Old 55” that brings me to tears almost every time. So gifted. Please continue to share your voice.