Hi Substack Friends.
The last time I wrote, I was thinking about intention, specifically as it has to do with pushing myself/ourselves. It had come to me during my yoga practice that morning that asking what is the point of going deeper into a pose is always a good idea. Bending for the sake of bending is fine, but I think we’re constantly told to push ourselves when pushing ourselves might not be the thing we need to do.
I sat with that while going about my usual activities for days. Every day since then, in fact. This morning, I had what I suppose is the next thought: sometimes the right thing to do is to push yourself.
It was plow pose. You lie on your back and basically throw your feet up over your head. I love this pose. It’s always felt so good to me. But this morning my toes didn’t reach the ground. I wanted the release that had always come with going deeply into that pose for so many years — all of the compacting of the lower spine that I do all day every day gets to ease — and so I decided to
I thought about y’all. I thought about coming here and saying that’s WHY, so you’d know I hadn’t stopped thinking about it. The point of pushing sometimes is so that growth can be achieved. That’s why we hang in there — in yoga, in learning new things, in relationship, in love, in life.
Seems like a simple thing — knowing how much is too much and how little is too little.
It isn’t.
I think it’s balance I’m looking for.
I’ll keep letting you know how it’s going.
Sending love everywhere,
The age old dilemma of picking your battles--knowing when to push through and knowing when to just sit with what is. Although I've always hated the phrase "pick your battle"--I am a pacifist at heart and hate the thought of being at war in any way. Maybe just knowing which hill is worth the climb? Which hill will have that epic view and which one will just leave your legs shaky and you out of breath? Balance...so easy to identify when we have it (or when we don't) but so hard to know how to get it.