First, thanks so much for subscribing to my Substack. You’ve all put wind beneath my writer sails.
Second, I would really like to start a question and answer series here. If there’s anything you’ve ever wanted to ask me — here’s your place to do it. Nothing is off limits, but please try to be kind.
Leave your questions in the comments of this post.
I’m going to pick one question per week and write a detailed answer which I’ll post, probably on Fridays. Starting in July, this series will be for subscribers only.
Make sense?
Let me hear from you. I’ll be using this post as my database.
Thank you!
I enjoy your storytelling, Facebook posts, book and For the Record. Would you share some words about your art art, e.g. the medium, personal symbolism, etc.? Enquiring minds!
Hi Allison, thank you for sharing your life's work. You are an inspiration to me and many others. I both read and listened to Blood. While I appreciated hearing your story, in your own voice, I wonder if that was more difficult for you to do and then listen to the playback? Writing is one kind of catharsis, but to speak it and hear it internally seems like it would be more heart wrenching and heart rending. With that in mind are you going to narrate I Dream He Talks To Me?
Prayers and love for you and your family,
Always and in all ways,