Thank you for honoring JD Souther in your post. It deeply saddened me to lose his unique talent so unexpectedly as he was planning a tour with Karla Bonoff next week. His songwriting was heartfelt and his collaborations with Linda Ronstadt are timeless and stellar. Another great musician gone from that era…

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Shogun on Hulu is phenomenal 🌻

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My wife and I were thrilled with your CMHoF interview with Sissy. It was beautifully conceived and executed. Your sibling harmonies reduced my wife to tears because of her own sibling losses. But it was a good cry. Thank you.

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Allison, I just enjoyed every word on this page. Lifted my heart in all the right ways. Lots of TRUTH, and it’s nice hear. A million cuts that are hard to forget, but I keep trying so that I might find forgiveness of another for my sake. I’m getting there.

I had to look up monad… perfect word.

As I’ve said many times, you have the most beautiful speaking voice. I so enjoyed the words you spoke to honor Shelby. All true. All real. “She sings our silences” she surely has sung mine. Carried me through a lot of tough times. As you penned on your art, It’s been dark a long time but it’s looking brighter “ beautiful art work. Particularly detailed.

Sam is precious and I love to read how taken you are with him. I love the picture of him where the sunlight touches the tip of his ear.

Maybe an ink and watercolor coming ?

Shelby’s acceptance speech was great. So Shelby. What you see is what you get. I love her.

I’m happy for you Allison, and Shelby too. More than I can say. It’s all coming together.

Can’t wait for you to share some nesting pics of your fall home. Like the word Trust on the wall. That’s what it’s all about.

Btw, I thought your outfit was perfect. As was Shelby’s.

I feel so good after reading your post today.

xo ❤️

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Forgot to tell you

I found Pure Elisabeth about 2 months ago. I love it too. I get the one with blueberries 😊

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You are correct , things have gotten just gross. And mystery is attractive.

The world would be a much calmer place without social media.

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You were the most eloquent speaker at the Americana Awards. Congratulations to your Sis! ❤️

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I always love reading your newsletters on Sundays, but the biggest highlight was watching your eloquent delivery of the award to your sister. What a beautiful thing to see as is seeing you both share the stage! I was heartbroken when I found out I couldn't travel from Atlanta to Nashville this Thursday. I really hope there are more opportunities to hear/see you both together.

And I love that you quoted Khalil Gibran. He was a Lebanese poet for those who don't know (I'm half Lebanese) and he is the pride of Lebanon's literary world.

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The Grohl thing - All of that. I’m 49, successful, happy & single. Tried online dating for 2 months. Ick. Deleted the apps, never to return.

You’re onto something about the instant gratification at fingertips. I’d rather be home with my precious dog, he never lets me down, makes me laugh & is a source of joy.

I’ll be there on 9/26 at the Ryman. I’m so excited about it I’m practically vibrating when I think about seeing the SL show.

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