As always, I look forward to your posts. The fact that you posted is enough proof that you did not recieve an unwanted trip to Oz last evening. I hope those lives that weren't so fortunate are able to become whole as soon as is possible. Even though here in The Motor City there is no clue weather wise that it is Christmas season, it is still pretty weird that there are such storms in the middle of December. I hope that this coming week is a good one. That your travels are safe. That your loved ones are healthy. I love you. Keep on truckin'

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"You can't dance if you have no room."

Glad you made it through the storm. That stuff is headed this way.

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I’m a little confused because the post says 12/3 but it’s 12/10. Nonetheless, the content is bountiful enough for two weeks worth! Of course, you passed your echo with flying colors because your heart is so pure and generous--no beans about it.

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Hi Allison

So enjoy reading your posts. Love reading about your doings and find comfort & familiarity in so many things you share. From the J Crew shirt ( my favorite brand) to squeezing fresh juice. Something that I do EVERY morning. A habit and good practice I picked up from my dad. Will check out the beans you talked about. I’ve gotten in a routine of making a bean soup once a week. You’re right. So good for the body. Lots of protein.

Lake Street Dive is a wonderful group and I have enjoyed their music for a good while. I haven’t heard their new music, but will give it a listen.

Sounds like you’re having a wonderful time with Hayes on the road. You sound so good in spirit, and energetic in your words. . Glad your heart is healthy ❤️

Let Us Descend finally arrived. Whew

Great writing. Her words paint a picture I feel like I’m watching a movie in my mind as I read. Emotional for sure. Thank you for that recommendation.

Have a great week Allison. Thank you again for sharing.... 🌸

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Yes and yes to all of this; Renkl, Reservation Dogs, clothes and adult juicers! I was also hounded by my mom and grandmother to drink my orange juice. Maybe and only if it is fresh squeezed will I surrender.

My family and friends in the area sent photos from the tornadoes yesterday and are all safe with some property damage exceptions. I am grateful that you are yours are also safe. 🙏

I do not miss weather drama and the lack of basements.

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Self-discipline is important. While willpower doesn't work to stop bad habits, self-discipline helps.

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Forgot to mention Allison. Agree with you about self discipline & boundaries.

Life is much better with both, at least for me. I find success in so many things when I am. And quite comfortable applying both. Perhaps because it keeps anxiety at bay? I don’t know but it works. And I’m proud . Yes, good things coming in your middle age. 💯

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Thank you, for everything in this post. Love the book references, the music is wonderful, and clothes are far out. And listened once again to your beautiful voice. I am feeling the same about spaciousness. Wishing you all you wish for, this season, and always. Thank you, again, for caring about all of us. Peace and Joy to you and yours.

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We really love Rancho Gordo beans, too - especially like the ayacote beans from their Mexico Xoc Xoc project. And thank you for your music recommendations - every one of them has struck a chord and made it into our playlist. Happiest of Hilidays to you & yours - and that goes to all your subscribers, too. ❤️

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Oh my goodness I love those Rancho Gordo beans! We’ve been bean club people almost 9 years, since T was a baby and I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it. Such good soul food for these winter nights. Xo

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I’m watching you valentines special on YouTube. It came up on recommendations lol you too are an inspiration...I do the same with my wardrobe..cute outfits. Yes, clothes talk.

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Im watching your valentines YouTube show. It came upon my recommendations . You guys sound so good together. Plus, so sweet lol..laughing. Yes, clothes matter. I do the same...I mix new, with well thrifted items for “the look” of the day lol , I love your outfits.

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