I learned a few years I'm a direct descendant of the Maharal, the rabbi who summoned the Golem. Been channeling from the place of high weirdness.

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Your Sunday List and Sunday Morning Put-On made my Sunday joyful. Thank you for your thoughts Allison. 💙🙏🏻💙

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I must say that Sam’s nose made my day! He has my favorite type of jigsaw face cat markings. Enjoy his lively spirit as well as the visitations from all your spirits.

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"When I decided to embrace my witchiness. I’m a bit sensitive about being criticized for my woo-woo tendencies. Talking to the spirits and such. I guess people don’t always stop to think about why I want to be connected to spirit and step across the veil at every opportunity–first of all, that’s where the true wisdom lives." I suspect we are in a time when nature/God is exposing popreligion for being empty of spirit. So goon on you.

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I'm at a time in my life where I'm deepening my connection to God, to the Divine. Richard Rohr's books help me understand God and myself in ways I can't quite convey yet. My message to my True Self is to go deeper. Always deeper.

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Sam sure is a cutie pie! Thank you for your Sunday list...you had asked us what were were listening to a while back and the Andrew Bird album was on my list! Great album....Thank you for giving me comforting Sundays.

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Sam’s little face!!!😻

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Tyler. Yeah, very smart. Would've like to have been there.

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A very nice positive upbeat list Allison and you are looking great and smiling a lot! Helps cheer me up because I am enduring a tough phase right now! Px❤️

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Just finished reading "Blood". A transformative book. Thank you for your deep honesty. You are a gift.

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Thank you, so much. Blessings of the highest to you, always.

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Gosh darn it

Went back to check a spelling and my post disappeared. Let me try to re-create it first I love the pictures of sweet Sam. I wonder what color his mom and dad were or are? He certainly has distinct markings, especially his nose. And he has some big ears, which I love, I love the picture where he snuggling around your neck. I miss having a baby kitten too.

The pants you bought at real real are gorgeous. And the perfect choice for the interview. Their eye-catching and bring a lot of energy to the stage. I also love your loafers. I have never seen loafers with bejeweled heels. Eye-catching. And the winter white sweater top it off. I also wanted to mention that I love the serious profile picture of you with your hair pulled back. It conveys strength and all business right on.

I took some time to listen to the music, and he reminds me of Jason Mraz very slightly. I liked what he wrote about trying to get his fiddle to emulate the woodwinds. And I certainly heard the clarinet and his playing. I’m interested in the book that you recommended by ms smarsh. I took a moment to read about her and she writes nonfiction, which I absolutely love. Especially stories of hard-working, poor folks. The first book I read that I fell in love with was a tree grows in Brooklyn. After that, it was a raisin in the sun and sounder. So I’m drawn to that kind of writing.

Sorry you lost some of your shrubs. Be careful when you’re replanting and try not to give them any fertilizer as it will encourage them to grow before winter and that’s probably not something you wanna do, but I’m sure you know these things already

Excited about scouts reproduction pictures. I surely do hope to own one.

Have a great week Allison and as always thanks for taking the time to write on Sunday.


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Allison I’m sure you are too young to have read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith but it is really something special

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They’re not there. Sorry

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You have to be hands down one of the most talented and gifted person that I follow. Is there anything you can't do? Your art is gorgeous, the way you relay stories it's as if we're talking, writing, singing...it's incredible. Walk in joy because your gifts are amazing. I think your parents left a halo over your head.

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I love cats!

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Lovely reflections, may I suggest you take a listen to Gillian Welch/David Rawlings "Woodland Studio" a masterpiece of song

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