But I can never decide if I’m a cancer or a gemini. My birthday, June 21, falls on the cusp. Most charts make me a cancer, but some make me a gemini, so I’ve spent my life not only thoroughly confused because I read both horoscopes and decide which one I like the best, or rather, which one I think applies to me. I honestly have traits of both, so that probably makes me a true gemini. But if I’m really honest, we all contain multitudes.
As if I weren’t confused enough already. This quandary does place me in this sort of no woman’s land — if I am in the middle of two signs, just exactly what does that mean? What resources might I consult to advise on my in-betweenness?
I’m going with the moon.
I danced under the full one Sunday night, even though it was obscured by the clouds. And today, as it begins to wane, I release. I accept where I am at this moment, reflect on what needs to be shed in order to move forward, and rest my mind, body, spirit, and soul.
It’s the perfect time to take a break, which I’ll get to do next week when John Henry and I go to camp in Colorado. Wish us travel luck!
Whatever guides you follow, may they never lead you astray.
Peace. Love.
Walt Whitman: I am large, I contain multitudes
Lucky girl. You get two signs to follow. Beautiful moon!